Sarah Jessica Parker is renowned for her glamorous ensembles, frequently wearing dazzling party dresses adorned with crystals, accompanied by Manolo Blahnik’s Hangisi pumps, or a striking pair of heels from her own eponymous shoe line. But the actor is not totally averse to casual style – particularly when she’s travelling.
Spotted at JFK airport with her husband Matthew Broderick, the And Just Like That star served up an off-duty outfit that was a departure from her usual elegant attire, but still considered. Parker wore a blue shirt (casually unbuttoned), layered under a light grey cardigan and a slate-grey blazer, worn with soft grey tailored trousers that she’d rolled up. SJP accessorised with black wrap-around shades, an olive cross-body bag and a slouchy pair of suede boho heeled boots (along with a black backpack and a black suitcase). The conclusion? Not even a long-haul flight could persuade this most famous of stiletto fans to consider wearing flats.
While this airport outfit may differ from her typical style, Jessica Parker’s attire serves as a lesson in tonal layering, albeit one that leans more into the kooky “bag lady” aesthetic than her red-carpet looks.